» Events

Philip Pearlstein and Desirée Alvarez: Painter/Painted – February 22, 20212

Wednesday, February 22, 6:30PM


group exhibition
New York Studio School
8 West 8th Street (5th & 6th)

Internationally recognized artist Philip Pearlstein will be in conversation with his model of 12 years, Desirée Alvarez, award winning poet, sculptor and painter. The dialogue will explore the nature of Pearlstein’s work process and his intimate relationship to perception. Ms. Alvarez is the recipient of three Fellowship Awards from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the European Capital of Culture Award, and the American Academy Willard …read more

Exhibition and special book signing: Oceans, Rivers, & The Fish That Swim, September 17 – November 3

Oceans, Rivers, and The Fish That SwimSeptember 17 – November 3
Hours: Saturday & Sunday 11AM – 7PM
or by appointment
Opening: Saturday, October 22

Artists: Desirée Alvarez, Linda Byrne, Rebecca Dowding, Robyn Ellenbogen, Melora Griffis, Jordana Scheer, RWJR, Laura Straus, Roger Straus III, Sandra Tremblay, Unknown Artist from Papua, New Guinea

Our Writer: Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish

Please join us for a glass of wine at our inaugural exhibition and book signing on Saturday, October 22 from 11AM – 7 PM

530 Piermont …read more

Of Weeds and Wildness: Nature in Black & White – January 13 – March 13, 2011


Reception Thursday, February 10, 5 – 7pm
Nott Memorial, Mandeville Gallery
Union College, Schenectady, NY

Curated by Sally Apfelbaum and Rachel Seligman

Robert Adams, Desiree Alvarez, Arnold Bittleman, Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, Harold Edgerton, Robert Gober, William Kentridge, Hedya Klein, Danny Lyon, Abelardo Morell, Margaret Moulton, Michelle Segre, James Siena, Kiki Smith, Charles Steckler, Kate Temple

Some coverage of the show: Photo Set On Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bvcphoto/sets/72157626018783376/show/ The Times Union: http://www.timesunion.com All Over Albany: http://alloveralbany.com